Botox was the first neurotoxin to be used in 1989. Since then Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuvau and Daxxify were released. Each product has a slightly different molecular composition yet they are all safe, purified proteins that help soften fine lines by decreasing muscle movement.

  • B12 injection is a simple fix to enhance your metabolism, lift your spirits, and give you that extra boost of energy you need.
    15 minutes

  • New patient initial consult and neurotoxin treatment
    45 minutes

  • Neurotoxin assessment and treatment
    30 minutes

  • Follow-up and refinement session
    15 minutes

  • Treatment areas include cheek, lips, chin, marionette lines, and ear lobe.

    Restore lost volume. Lasts up to 12 months.

    1 hour


Even with a healthy diet and lifestyle, your body demands nutrients. With our vitamin IVs drips, we can deliver key nutrients, antioxidants, amino acids, electrolytes and hydration to dramatically improve your wellness, energy levels, and mood.

  • Rehydrates and boosts energy
    Includes B Vitamin complex and amino acid blend
    45 minutes

  • Feel better faster. Boost immune health and promote overall wellness.
    Includes a high dose Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C), B Vitamin complex, and Zinc Sulfate. Common add-ons include Glutathione and/or Toradol.
    45 minutes

  • Classic infusion of vitamins and minerals aimed at improving overall health and wellness by supporting your brain function, immune system, mood, and energy levels. Supplements several essential vitamins and minerals: Magnesium, B Vitamin complex, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), and Calcium Gluconate
    45 minutes

  • Reclaim your day and feel better faster. Restore electrolytes and flush out toxins. Improve nausea, vomiting, headache, and muscle aches. Includes Zofran (anti-nausea/vomiting), B Vitamins complex, Mineral blend (Magnesium, Zinc, Copper and Manganese)
    + Glutathione add-on option
    45 minutes

  • Designed to help burn fat and boost metabolism. Harness the benefits of B vitamins to raise energy levels and support a healthy metabolism.

    45 minutes

  • Fluid add-on for extra hydration
    30 minutes

  • Non-narcotic, non-addictive fast and effective way to reduce pain, fever and swelling
    15 minutes

  • Removes oxidative stress and detoxifies the body. Stabilizes free radicals, anti-aging, and improves cellular fatigue.
    15 minutes